
Kites Festival

This particular kites festival is held annually in the beginning of August at Glagah Beach in order to protect the specialty of traditional kites of Indonesia which are recently tend to the modernity which may lead to the extinction of the Indonesian traditional kites. This event is also meant to promote the tourism in Kulon Progo.
This festival is attended by some participants whether they are domestic and foreign participants.

Dragon Boat Festival
In order to promote Glagah Beach more toward some tourists and in order to develop the tourism in Glagah, Dragon Boat Festival is held. This particular festival is held when the season of dragon boat race nationally and internationally.

It is held after Lebaran Holiday (Muslim Holiday), this particular event is held around grass track at Glagah Beach. Motor-cross is pioneered by Kelompok Sadar Wisata Temon Kulon Progo (A Tourism Conscious Group in Temon Kulon Progo) and The Government of Kulon Progo supported by The Government of Yogyakarta Province. The winner of this race will obtain sum of money approximately 20 million rupiahs and a trophy. The purpose of this event is to promote Glagah Beach that it is potential as well for sport events.

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